Sunday, August 8, 2010

Interview With Actress Shelley Bruce - The Burning (1980)

As an avid fan of the horror genre throughout the years, The Burning (1980) has been one of my personal favourites. Originally scripted as "The Crospsy Maniac," it is based on a campfire story told at summer camps in and around New Jersey and upstate New York. The story is said to still be in circulation.

As expected, numerous critics across the globe rubbed their hands together in order to rubbish this underrated slasher classic.

For endless years I have spent time attempting to locate cast members in order to do an interview, however, to no avail.

Sometime ago I was ever so fortunate to track down the very talented and lovely Shelley Bruce, who played the part of Tiger. Her character was one of the lucky campers fortunate to survive the Camp Stonewater carnage.

A truly sweet lady, Shelly was more than happy to participate in this interview.

Dear Shelley, I'd first of all like to personally thank you for your precious time. I'm most grateful.

You were at the tender young age of 15 when The Burning went into production. How did you come about auditioning for the film?

It was just another one of the auditions on the list, nothing particulary special about it.

Due to your age, were you allowed to attend the premiere and what was your initial opinion of the film?

I don't actually remember being a premiere. At the time we were considered a B movie with no real star power.

Early on in the film your character Tiger became an almost victim of the demented Cropsy. How did you react to that scene Shelley?

The funny part about it is that it wasn't until I actually saw the movie did I realise how close I came, LOL! All the reverse shots were done later without me being there.

Numerous cast members already had a theatrical background including yourself of course and it was their film debut also. How did you find working in front of the camera for the first time?

It wasn't the first time for me. I had done over 50 commercials by then, as well as an industrial movie, a soap opera and plenty of interviews. I had also done some extra work in Marathon Man and The Godfather when I was 6 and a half.

The Burning without a doubt is one of my all time favourite horror flicks. Are you a fan of the genre and what are some of your favourites?

I do love horror movies. I can remember watching Halloween for the first time. One of my favourites is actually The Amityville Horror. I had read the book and it had combined the supernatural. I tend to like all those types the best.

Scared the hell out of me when I was a little kid who shouldn't have been viewing it!!! On the shoot you got to work with Jason Alexander, Fishers Stevens, Larry Joshua, Brian Backer, Ned Eisenberg, J.R. McKechnie and Holly Hunter. Could you please tell me some of the fond memories you have from the shoot?

Working with those characters was a blast! We had so much fun everyday!!! I would have to say some of the nicest people to be associated with. We would go into Tom Savini's room that he had turned into a working studio and play basketball with Betsy Palmer's head from Friday the 13th! The best scene was the food fight. I wish they had included the outtakes from that. We were so out of control, the food was flying everywhere and the word CUT just fell on deaf ears because we were all laughing so hard!

I realise production ceased nearly three decades ago, but do you still happen to keep in contact with any cast members?

Unfortunately I haven't recently. I did keep up with Fish for a bit, but haven't talked with any for a while. Please note - thanks to  Shelley has reconnected with cast members Larry Joshua, J.R. McKechnie and Ned Eisenberg.

Although the maniacal Cropsy met a brutal demise, sequels seem to pop up from time to time. If somehow you were asked to take part in a sequel, would you jump at the chance?

I would!! I think it would be a blast getting everyone back together.

What part of the film terrified you the most?

When you're involved with making a horror film, not much affects you, but if I had to pick something, it would be the shower scene... it's the suspense that always gets me.

Did actor Lou David, who played Cropsy, associate with fellow cast members or did he more or less just keep to himself?

We really didn't have much contact with him. Most of his stuff, at least with me was done at a different time.

Shelley, will you be returning to making feature films in the near future?

Probably not anytime real soon, unless I was approached with the right project. I'm pretty busy with my family right now.

Here are some of these annoying preference questions Shelley, starting with what is your all time favourite film?

Don't really have one. Loved the Lord of the Rings films, Harry Potter, What Lies Beneath was great, The Birdcage and Up Close and Personal.

What television shows do you watch?

Anything CSI, or crime related and supernatural stuff.

What is your favourite foods and alcoholic drinks?

I love good dark chocolate, french fries and right now my drink of choice is rum and diet coke or southern and OJ.

What is your favourite way to spend your weekends?

Going by friends to hang out or when we go out and see a friend's band.

What is your favourite type of music?

I love the stuff that's out right now. Lifehouse, Daughtry, Nickleback and Colby Calait.

Who is your favourite actor and actress?

I love William Petersen, Vincent D'Onofrio, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jodie Foster and Bernadette Peters.

What film role did you audition for that you regret missing out on?

Little Darlings, it looked like a lot of fun.

May I say their loss Shelley!!! As we all tend to drop a profane word here and their, which one are you more than likely to use?


Fuck is usually my choice of profanity, too!!! And finally Shelley, what advice can you please give aspiring artists?

Never give up on your dreams, no matter what they may be. Everything happens in it's own time when it's meant to be.

Again, thank you ever so kindly Shelley. Without a doubt, a truly remarkable and very talented lady.

You can check out Shelley's websites on the following links -